Learning Exchanges

Learning Exchanges

Exchange Visits have proven to be an effective way that other learning networks (e.g. Micronesians in Conservation) have used to foster peer to peer learning. Building on these experiences, PIMPAC co-coordinators will work with local MPA practitioners to develop proposals for site exchanges to best utilize the strengths of regional MPA programs to fill in the gaps.

Criteria for Exchange Visits

As PIMPAC is a regional initiative there are several opportunities for exchange visits for members to learn from one another. The following criteria were developed to help the PIMPAC coordinators and Steering Committee with exchange visit selection for year one. Selection will be on a first come first serve basis. It is anticipated that PIMPAC can support 2 or 3 exchange visits this year.

The following are the criteria by which exchange visits will be given priority:

• The exchange visit must be MPA related

• The exchange should have the potential to spark activity or catalyze action and have a significant impact to candidates work

• The exchange should have clear goals of what the participants are trying to accomplish

• The exchange should minimize cost either through cost share/ in kind support

• The exchange should show a clear benefit to participants and PIMPAC

• The exchange should have a sense of urgency or timeliness and demonstrate how this exchange can improve local action.

• Sites that have not had exchanges will have priority over those sites that have had exchanges

To be selected for a PIMPAC exchange visit the following requirements must be met:

• Candidates must fill out a “request form” and submit to PIMPAC coordinators which outlines:

• Goals of the exchange visit

• Expected outcomes

• Deliverables or plan for follow activities that are tied to the goals (e.g. if the visit is to learn about enforcement, candidates could commit to developing a draft enforcement plan for review by hosts/coordinators and others within 6 months of the visit)

• Candidates (mentor & mentee) must submit evaluations on exchange visit activities upon completion of the visit

• Candidates must be the ones doing the work that is the focus of the exchange visit (e.g. an exchange visit focused on enforcement should be done by enforcement officers or those directly working on enforcement issues)

• There should be a mutual agreement on the goals of the exchange by both host agency and participant agency. This should be demonstrated by letters of support from supervisors of both host and visiting organizations/agencies

• At the request of PIMPAC members for an exchange visit, the coordinators will work with candidates to ensure all the above criteria are met. This will include support in making connections, setting goals, and developing follow up plans. Once requests meet criteria, the coordinators will send recommendations to all PIMPAC members and request Steering Committee approval.

Download Exchange Forms:

• Exchange Visit Request Form pdf
• Evaluation of Learning Exchange (mentor) pdf
• Evaluation of Learning Exchange (mentee) pdf

Exchange Reports and Evaluations

Guam Hawaii: PIMPAC created a four part video documentary of this exchange, which can be viewed via Guam's Community Coral Reef Monitoring Program's You Tube site

Yap-Kosrae Evaluation: Mentor and Mentee

Pohnpei- Guam Report









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